Friday, September 19, 2014

10 Things an Awkward Person Can Do At A Party (to feel less awkward)

Do you hate talking to people you don't really know in an awkward situation? I don't mean a hot chick / dude that you WANT to get to know and or bang. I mean when a friend drags you to a party, disappears, and now you have to shmooze with 25 people that are all talking about kitchen renovations, or The Real Housewives of Alaska, or Jay Leno, or anything that you're not in the know with and don't care about. People you wouldn't normally be around, but now you are.
Well, here's a list of things you can do to ease that situation.

What it can feel like being introduced to a friend's friend for the first time.When your friend introduces you to someone for the first time, then leaves for a phone call
1) Keep your eyes peeled for a pet. If the place you're at has a cat, or better yet, a dog, a nice old dog that is friendly, you're home free. Having a pet to... pet, or hold, or play with (play with would be the best scenario) you have a great buffer between you and the rest of the awkward people around you.
Bonus tip: If there's food out - and it's a party, there better be food, grab some meat/cheese for the pet and you're guaranteed a good half hour with this life saving animal.
We Love Our Pets

2) Drink. If you can't beat em, join them. Hopefully people are drinking. If they are, get a good buzz on. Try to scare up a drinking game.

3) Have a lighter and smokes. Even if you don't smoke, saying "just going to step outside for a smoke" is a good 15 - 20 minute escape to be outside, text (where it's socially acceptable without being rude/snobby), or if you're lucky, meet some people that are doing the same thing you're doing. You don't have to inhale. No one suspects a fake smoker. This is my ace up my sleeve. Not sure if this is stereotypical, but I find the more fun, cooler, easier going people smoke at a party. Of course there'll be a douche, or a bitchy bitch that smokes too, and will bum one off you, but that's the breaks. Everyone is really nice to fellow smokers. I don't smoke at all .... well when I drink I'll have a smoke, and this works great.
Bonus tip: If you're brave enough, having a lighter on you while you're around people who smoke is a perfect way to break the glass if you want to chat someone up.  I carried a lighter with me whenever I went to the bar, and offering a light to chicks that needed one was a great ice breaker.

4) Find the one who's like you. At a party there's at least 1 person who will play the following role: Ring leader/attention hog, 2 friends who talk only amongst themselves (usually girls), video game people, movie/TV people, and 1 or 2 people sitting alone, texting or just not drunk enough to get to know everyone. Finding these people, the same people that don't want to put themselves out there to get to know anyone, are your best friends. You should start by saying how weird it is not knowing anyone. Then they'll agree, and you're off!

5) Gay people. They're fun, funny, and always nice. Befriend some gay people. Sorry for the positive stereotype, but I love gay people.

6) Find the stoners. If people are smoking weed, totally befriend them. There are no easier people to hang out with and befriend at a party than stoners.
Watched Cheech and Chong for the first time today at a [7]

7) Find your damn friend(s) that you came with and don't leave their side! Tell them this party is shit for you and they better had not abandon you and start showing you a good time.

8) Lights, camera, cell phone. This is a reach but, pretend to get a phone call and leave the room. I can't say I've been proud of this one, but it works. Practice your acting chops.

9) Bond. Try to connect the dots of what people are talking about to something you know a lot about. If people are talking about Netflix, and you love Orange is the New Black, pipe up. Or if they talk about comedies and you love Will Ferrell, pipe up.  You'll find common ground and hit it off.

10) Be yourself. If you're shy, be shy. Fuck them. When people ask why you're so quiet, a great answer is "I'm just listening". Thank you Henry Hill - great line in Goodfellas. Usually people will ask formal questions to get to know you and you can decide how much you want to let them in or not.

My reaction when I ate meat yesterday after being a vegetarian for 3 years.

Hope this helped! Let me know if any of these worked for you.

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