Sunday, September 21, 2014

5 Drinks That Make You 5 Different Kinds of Drunk

Do different kinds of alcohol make you a different kind of drunk? Yes. Ever notice how intense, or mellow, a night can be depending on what your choice of poison is? All booze has the same ingredient, alcohol (ethanol), in them. It's just how concentrated that alcohol is. From least to most: Beer, wine, liquor.

Here's a list of five drinks that will give you a unique kind of drunk.

1) BEER -- What I like: Innis and Gunn, MGD, Kokanee, Stella, Guiness.

This is the go-to drink. And after a while, it's hardly considered a "drink" drink. You can have a beer and be okay to go on with your day. Beer usually has a 3-6 percent alcohol content. So it takes 4-6 to really have a good time.
how to open a beer can 

How You'll Feel:
After two beers, you'll get the light headed, floaty, feel good feeling. Your filter between your brain and mouth of things to say starts to open up a bit. You feel great, and you're not bloated. After 5-6 beers you'll be drunk. (Now, if you're a 6'3" 250 pound monster of a woman, or man, you should probably double the numbers here). So you're 6 beers in, working on your 7th. You'll feel a bit full. For sure you're burping, and you're a really, really good drunk. Don't go anywhere near your car keys, or your cell phone, cause you're bound to make a huge mistake. Texting a girl/guy you're too shy to flirt with when sober magically goes away, and you'll be asking them to have a fuck fest all night. Also, texting an ex usually ensues as well. Just don't. But, hey, I'm not talking to normal-you, at this point it's drunk-you and you'll do whatever you want. (Seriously though, give you keys to someone else if you're driving).

How this usually ends is a very very tired drunk. The hangovers from beer aren't bad either.

2) VODKA -- What I like: Grey Goose! It's the best. Bit pricey, but worth it. Skyy vodka in a pinch.

Dan Akroyd has his own vodka. Skull Head.
Turned 21 20 minutes ago. Celebrated with a shot from a signed bottle of Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Head Vodka. Good start, I think.
Ready to party, are ya? Well, vodka is your best friend, and worst enemy. Vodka is a party catalyst. Some (sick) people shoot it, some mix with juice (screw driver for OJ), you can add Sprite, Ginger Ale, or just tonic. I usually get a vodka, water, lime juice. When I really want to have a crazy time and forget the night: three oz of vodka with 3 oz of juice/sprite does the trick. After 3 of these you'll be the life of the party. If you're sipping vodak martinis you'll be a good, steady, buzz/drunk. I like mine extra dirty (more olive juice). Easier to drink.
Something about vodka & Red Bull.... tread lightly. Alcohol is a downer, and red bull is caffeine. So they kind of battle each other, and more likely than not, the red bull wins. So what this does is takes your vodka drunk and amplifies what you'll do/say. That can be dangerous, but also fun. Try it out, don't over do it. You'll see if you like it. I don't do this cause energy drinks are pure sugar and I'm already beating up my body with booze, so why kick it when it's down?

Now, I warn you, you don't want to hammer back too vodka. I was blessed with the liver of a Viking, cause I don't really get hung over. But, the biggest hangover I've had was when I chugged about a half liter of vodka.... you know, for the story. It was awesome, then funny, then scary, then I passed out. When I woke up I wanted to die.
How you'll feel: Ohhhh, boy. How you'll feel indeed. This depends from person to person. At times I'll be full of life, energy, and jokes.... others, I'll be sluggish, easy going, and nonsensical. So, you'll have fun, until you don't.

3) TEQUILA -- What I like: I wish I tried more, but Patron is good. Jose if you're in a bind.

If you're holding a bottle, shot glass, mug of tequila you've made some serious party choices. You're ready to have a good time, and you're also ready to take out anyone in your way of having a good time.
A few shots of this will get you messed up. Short from doing shots of Bicardi 151 (uuugghh!) this is the fastest way to get drunk. And you'll pay for it in the morning.

How you'll feel: After wanting to puke, it'll hit you. It'll go straight to your head. You'll be a more intensified version of vodka drunk.  I don't think there's much you can mix with this, unless it's in a cocktail. Tequila Sunrise perhaps.

4) WINE -- What I like: Too many to name. Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cab Sav, Shiraz. Depends. Apothic red, casillero del diablo, any barolo, ANY.

So you want to get shit faced, and stay class? This is it. Wine baby! It's so huge now. It's delicious. You can drink a bottle and be.... drunk, but not too insane. It goes great with food. It's just all around awesome.
Two things that suck about wine. 1) After a bottle of red wine, your teeth WILL stain. They'll get darker and a bit gross. So drink water after you have some wine. Another thing, it'll make you sweat / feel hot. Especially red. I guess this depends on the person, but it makes me sweat if I'm not just sitting own and chilling.   2) The hangovers from wine are the worst! I repeat, the WORST! Just take my word for it. You're super dehydrated, headaches ensue, and you feel like ass.

How you'll feel: You'll feel great. Chill, Easy going. After a bottle or so, you'll get drunk, and a bit wild. Sluggish. It's a slow, but fun, way to get drunk.

Tip* - Make a sangria! Get a fruity wine, add frozen berries to a jug of juice, mix it all together, you're set, friend!

5) WHISKEY -- What I like: JD, Jim Beam, Crown Royal, Balcones, Shoulder Monkey, Johnnie Walker (Blue, Black), Macallan 15 or 25.

Get ready to fight. When you have a few glasses of whiskey, you'll get drunk, and fast. I don't think everyone will want to fight someone, but it's an aggressive drunk. Everyone will know you're wasted, and not everyone might like the whiskey-drunk you have going on.

How you'll feel: Drunk. Confident. The cocaine of alcohol.
In the morning, drunk.

Neat, on the rocks, or with Coke, it's good every way you cut it. (Pun intended). Also, whiskey-dick is a real thing. So plan ahead - no point in going home with a girl if you're useless from the waist down.

So there you have it. Hopefully that helps you plan the kind of party animal you want to be.

When you are drunk and try to go to sleepSome things I want to mention: I believe that how you feel/are/state of mind you're in before you start getting wasted has a big impact on what kind of drunk you'll be. If you're in a shitty mood, down, sad, not looking to have a great time, when you get drunk you'll be a huge downer. If you're excited, in good *spirits* and are looking to have fun, you'll be a fun loving, hyper, life of the party drunk. So keep that in mind.

When you're wasted and trying to fall asleep

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