Tuesday, June 18, 2013

World War Z - A must Zee

There's more of them than you. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
So last night I was fortunate enough to win tickets to the screening of World War Z (sadly in 3D... but I'll get to that later).  I'll say right now that I really liked it. It took me a few minutes after the movie to think on my feelings and really reflect back on the film, but I did like it - it did its job well.

Without giving anything away, it was definitely more of a thriller movie - in a suspenseful sort of way. It didn't go for a cheap scare, it was smart like that. Don't get me wrong, zombies DO jump out and scare the shit out of you, but if you have two brain cells to rub together, it's expected in the scenes you're watching. Throughout the movie, it never let you relax for too long - which is good and bad in the same right. Good, cause the movie entertains and holds you by your face with attention, bad because audiences need time to rest, breathe, catch up with what's going on. Like a roller coaster, it's not one big 5 minutes drop, but has it's ups and downs, peaks and valleys.  So at the very least it was entertaining, and in my opinion that is a movie's first and fore most job to do: Entertain! Tied for second is an amazing story - which this has.

I would best describe this movie as Contagion meets Resident Evil, but way faster zombies.

One thing this movie did really well was put you in the movie and say to yourself "This would SUCK if this actually happened, WTF would I do?" And they made it pretty real as to what would happen/how the world would react, almost to the point where you're thinking, "what can I do to prepare," or at the very least entertain the thought of "where would I go if this actually happened?!"  Well that happened to me at least.

I know a lot of hardcore zombie fans hate that zombies aren't slow as molasses in some movies (Zombieland..... mmm, that's all I can think of now, and this one) and for the longest time I agreed. Zombies should be slow, their threat isn't in their agile, speedy, ninja attacks, it's the masses of grazing zombies and that they're scattered everywhere that makes them a huge threat. And that's way more scarier than if Usian Bolt was a zombie... well it's more suspenseful and makes for milking scary scenes a lot better anyway. So yeah, fast zombies were stupid to me, but then I realized that it makes zombies more of a threat and is a bigger obstacle and badder antagonist, which in turn makes the movie better and forces the protagonist to be stronger, smarter etc...  SO, this movie turned me to a fast-zombie lover. Cause, man oh man, when 20 zombies are ripping around a corner chasing you with the plan to eat you, it's a scene and a half to experience.  Something they couldn't have done if they only moved like 90 year old drunks.

One last thing: the climax in the third act was really really really really cool. Very intense, suspenseful, smart and fun to watch. There were two parts to it, a chase/action scene then a revelation scene. It tied everything up in a nice little package. That being said, the END end, the last few minutes of the movie was a bit of a cop-out. They showed little and told a lot. like A LOT, a lot. What could have been another 5-8 minutes of very cool "action-ending" was simply dictated to us by Brad Pitt's buttery smooth voice. That didn't sit too well with me - the way they did it, not his voice.

If you didn't know, this movie was a huge money pit. Endings were not what the exec's wanted, they had to re-shoot it a few times and it cost something like $400,000,000! Brad Pitt's production company Plan B spent an extra $200 million to re-shoot the film's 40-minute long third act, because executives weren't happy with the ending. That's a lot of cake!

It's a great movie and will make its money back... but to make $400 Million to break even is a bit scary.  Worldwide and after a few months, I'm sure it'll make a decent profit. If Iron Man III can make $1.2 Billion so far, this can make a profit too.   Probably why they had to convert this to 3D, to gouge people for more money and make some of it's cash back faster. Sadly, there was absolutely NO reason for this to be in 3D. They didn't even use it right. Nothing really comes flying at the screen, just stupid.

Definitely go check it out, preferably in 2D (Send Hollywood a message about 3D) and get ready for a wild ride with sprinting zombies and Brad Pitt looking like the cat's ass as he tries to save the world.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

big things are HAPPENING

So as you know (hah, right) I've just been writing my ass off for the last eight months like a monkey chained to type writer... with slightly better grammar and grooming. Finally one of my screenplays has made its way into the sacred walls of the William Morris Endeavor agency. They seem to be showing some interest in my screenplay, and some assistants are reading it now. I'm just waiting on word to see if they even marginally like it.

If I've learned anything it's that hard work does in fact pay off, and never doubt yourself, cause when you least expect it and you're about to give up, something or someone comes through for you and it's beyond awesome. SO, that being said, I need to wait a little bit and see what happens, it's out of my hands. These next few months are going to crawl by for me.

Okay, I will totally keep you guys updated and pretend you care about what happens. Till then, work hard and be nice to one another, cause amazing things will happen to you.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

This Is The End was hilarious, from beginning to end.

So as you might have guessed, I loved This Is The End. Literally from second 1 to the last few minutes, it was hilarious. Surprisingly (in a good way) Jay Baruchel was the main star of this movie. It was really about how Seth wanted Jay to get to know his friends and be one big happy group of buddies, but Jay wasn't having it. That was a really good storyline to put in.

They were all so, so, soooo funny. I hope Hollywood films go the way Seth and Evan (The Writer/Directors) have taken it. A bunch of friends that made up an amazing cast, doing what they want while at the same time making a ton of money for their studio. The shit that was going on outside (havoc and chaos all around) wasn't even that important to me when watching. The best parts were when the guys would just talk, and shoot the shit, and argue. I love it when "talking head" movies get it right.

The soundtrack was awesome too. From rap, to 90's boy band and Whitney Huston, but it's done in the most hilarious of ways. Ugh, so effing good.

Go see it! You won't be disappointed. Promise. And you know that a promise from me means a lot :P

Happy Tuesday!

Here's B-Roll to some of the Movie... PS. I love B-rolls. They make me want to make movies till the cows come home...........then leave... and come home again.

B-Roll This is the End

Sunday, June 9, 2013

New look!

Hello Friends,
How do you like the new look of the blog? I was monkeying around with it, don't know if I like it, blah, I was bored. Let me know what you think.

I'm excited to announce that I won tickets to the premiere of This Is The End, on Monday. Super stoked to see it, been waiting forever.  I'll let you peeps know what I think about it Tuesday morning. I'm sure it'll be hilarious, right? Da.  :)

Okay, off to work. Hope your weekend was awesome... cuz mine wasn't really :P


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tough times don't last, tough people do.

Haven't been on here in a little while, my apologies to all 6 of you who read this :P

I've been looking for work and stuff while still writing. I found out yesterday that VISA (bastards) just took money from my account without telling me or asking me or anything, like 60% of it, leaving me with very little to live off of until I hopefully find a job.  This was the shittiest day I've had in a long time.   I hate how money has been made to be so important in our society. If I worked full time I would never get any writing done or films made, and I think that's more important to contribute to this world than filing papers and answering phone calls.

This just drives me harder and faster to want to sell my screenplay.  I just finished another drama, about a 22 year old girl who's talented beyond her years at painting and drawing, but lives with a violent father who abuses her sick mother and her on every level. Her days are filled with vivid fantasies of killing her father. And she has to save her sick mother and 10 year-old sister from this monster.

I like it because it's something so low budget that I could shoot it. One house, 4 people, some fake blood is all you need. It's a recipe for a money-maker if it were to be a Hollywood film... which I'm hoping that happens, because I can only write for free for so long.

Anyway, there's nothing to be gained from quitting and hard work and perseverance pays off in the end. So I hope if anyone else out there is going through shit times and is on a down swing that it gets better and you can only go up from here, so don't give up!

Okay, have a great week friends.
Oh, I saw Now You See Me, LOVED it ... im a big fan of magic and I thought they did a great job. Cannot WAIT for This Is The End.  It's my life long goal to befriend Jona Hill, Seth Rogan and James Franco. They seem like an awesome bunch of guys to hang around and are all hilarious.
